High School Senior – Scholarships & Book Awards
Each year students are selected that have proven themselves academically and have demonstrated a comment to the community. These scholarship funds are used for gap financing where a few dollars will make a difference between attending and not attending school. We have found that only a $1000.00 to $1500.00 can make the difference. While many financial resources for your youth have vanished, other committed community leaders have joined Urban Solutions, Inc. In addition to the Pressley Green Scholarship given since 1982.
All Detroit City graduating seniors are eligible to apply for our scholarships.
The Pressley & Hattie Green Scholarship
Herman & Betty Howard Scholarship
Sommers Schwartz Scholarship
Nancy & Judge Alex J. Allen Scholarship
Joel and Delta Gibson Scholarship
Edgar L. Perkins – Cass Technician Award
Reasonover-Best Scholarship
Vincent and Betty Little Scholarship & Book Awards
The Tommy Diggs Family & Rev. James Michael Curenton Award
Timothy G. McKay Sr. Dreamers Scholarship
Alvin Robinson, Sr. Legacy Award
The Hull Award
College Student – Scholarships & Book Awards
Scholarships will be given to students currently attending College. They must have completed their first year of college with a demonstrated academic ability and community service. Scholarships will be given directly to the student.
Julius & Alice Combs Scholarship
Debra D. Cromer College Awards
If you have any questions please contact:
Judith Reasonover at 313 673 3156 or Carolyn McClendon at 847 594 5338